Clean, Modern, Secure Workshop
With access to the latest diagnostics, software and tools!

We like to keep things clean and tidy - although it's often packed-full so please call ahead to arrange an appointment and we'll be ready to solve your issues when you arrive!

Emergency service for emergency services!
Keeping them visible and safe on-the-road!

Dashboard/Display Problems Diagnosed/Repaired
Lighting problems, faulty gauges, corrupt displays and more...


In many cases we can repair or help you source a replacement at a reasonable cost.


Battery and Alternator Testing
Battery drains and other charging issues resolved.


Over 30 years of experience with vehicle electrics
Ensures we fix problems quickly and cost-effectively.

We were formerly on the Tyneside Autopark before moving to Seaton Delaval

We work with a wide range of dealers and mechanics around the North East

Central Locking/Keyless Entry Problems Resolved
Locks and Latches, Fobs and Plips, Window Switches, Motors, Modules, Regulators and more...


Many problems are caused by snapped wires, broken connectors but we also have the tools to trace and repair the more complex issues.


Dashcam/Reversing Cam/Park Sensors fitted/repaired
We're forward in helping you go backward!

We can help you keep an eye on your surroundings - we fit and repair front and/or rear dashcams, reversing cameras and parking sensors

In Car Entertainment problems traced and fixed
Radio reception problems, 'dead' speakers, Bluetooth and Aux Input issues


Head/Tail/Side/Interior Lighting Issues Resolved
Blown bulbs, fuses, broken wiring or module problems resolved.


We can trace and repair problems with lighting both inside and outside your vehicle


Slow/Inoperative Electric Windows and Mirrors
Regulators, Motors, Control Units and wiring tested/repaired

We mostly fix cars and vans but, occasionally, Trains!
Restoring the lights in 1930s carriages

Over the last year-or-so I've been working at the Stephenson Railway Museum, helping them get some old coaches back into use.

They were originally made in the 1940s so there's a LOT of crusty bits under here!

Rewiring ready for many more years of use...

Lots of lovely copper in REALLY good condition for 70+ years of use!

Almost ready to travel again!


Never forget the tools...

Find out more about the Stephenson Museum here

and here
Heater and Aircon Problems Resolved
Fans, Heaters, Aircon and Controls tested and repaired

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What We Do
Service Lights Reset
Service Lights Reset
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Latest Diagnostic Equipment
Latest Diagnostic Equipment
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Warning Lights Cleared
Warning Lights Cleared
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Image is not available
Latest Diagnostic Equipment
Latest Diagnostic Equipment
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Image is not available
Service Lights Reset
Service Lights Reset
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Image is not available
Warning Lights Cleared
Warning Lights Cleared
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Image is not available